Tag: gather

  1. Passing out from exhaustion has a way of changing your outlook on life.

    12 February 2007

    I think it's the cold in DC that's sapping the life from everyone and everything.

    No, really. For such a relatively easy week last week, Lyssa and I just barely crawled in to the finish line, with our eyelashes and fingernails just barely breaking the tape at the end.

    After hacking together a quick dinner on Friday night Lyssa all but cold-cocked me to get me to lay down on the bed and take a nap. At some point, she joined me; I don't know exactly when because I was asleep but I do know that it was shortly after …


  2. So, it's been a rough and tumble weekend, to be sure....

    04 February 2007

    I'm going to write more in here than in my old memory logs to ease the transition between formats. I figure that I'll cut over to this system on Monday as the grand opening, because last night I uploaded the last images from my photo album and turned them into galleries using a utility from the Gentoo portage collection called mkgallery. At some point I'll get around to turning the commentary from the old index.html files into comments for the galleries. For now, this will suffice.

    Anyway, where was I....? On Friday night, Lyssa and I stuck as close …


  3. Happy New Year - 2007!

    31 January 2007

    That's what I'd like to see, in my slightly inhebriated state! More spammers getting vasectomies!

    You are weather.com You like  to talk about the weather. You like to do things on the 8s. Natural disasters are your bread and butter.  You prefer Celsius.
    Which Website are You?

    Well, it's the first day of 2007. Somehow, we all survived another year, a little bit older, a little bit wiser, and a little bit more jaded. The point is, though, that we made it. Last night, everyone started arriving at our apartment around 1930 EST/EDT. I drove out to pick up Hummingwolf from the Metro station and then headed back to make sure that everything was running smoothly back home. Lyssa had been slow-cooking a ham in the new …