Tag: upgrades

  1. Another Bolt upgrade, another gotcha.

    05 December 2017

    Regular readers of my site no doubt noticed that my site was offline for a little while a few days ago (today, by the timestamp, because Bolt doesn't let me postdate articles, only postdate when they go live) because I was upgrading the software to the latest stable version.  It went remarkably smoothly this time, modulo the fact that I had to manually erase the disk cache so the upgrade process could finish and not error out.  Deleting the cache alone took nearly an hour, and in the process I discovered something I wish I'd known about when I first …


  2. Some mods good, some mods bad.

    18 March 2010

    It almost seems as if we're indoctrinated by North American culture to not enhance ourselves (the blizzards of spam to the contrary) in some way, shape, or form but still be told to do whatever we can to make sure that we get ahead. It's safe to say that we've grown up in a time when we can't remember hearing about at least one star athlete being suspended from a league because they tested positive for anabolic steroid use (be careful searching on that term, there are a couple of dodgy SEO sites in the top twenty) to build up …


  3. Arduino cross-development kit on Gentoo.

    19 June 2009

    While I’m sitting here hacking around, here’s the exact command that I needed to run to get the Arduino development kit to install properly on Windbringer:

    It should be noted that I’m using Layman to manage my overlays, which is why I had to specify the environment variable on the command line.

    I discovered that GCC v4.1.2 didn't support the Atmega328, which is what my Arduino Duemilanove is based upon, so I had to upgrade GCC to the latest stable release for Gentoo.  To generate code for the Atmega328, you need v4.2.2 or …


  4. Odd Gnome problems, or, what happened to my icons?

    20 February 2009

    While upgrading Windbringer's systemware yesterday, I suddenly ran across a rather odd problem: all of the icons on my Gnome desktop suddenly turned into the default Gnome "blank page with a corner folded down" icon, which meant that Gnome wasn't able to figure out what sort of file a launcher really was. Even more oddly, the names of the launchers themselves turned into (for example), "gtkpod.desktop" rather than "GTKpod", which meant that double-clicking on anything resulted in the contents of the launcher being opened in a text editor. Everything inside of the Gnome application menu could still be executed …


  5. Sorry 'bout the downtime, folks.

    07 November 2007

    A good bit of yesterday was spent monitoring Leandra as she upgraded her systemware and applications, which amounted to watching the output of various compilation batches (thank you, Portage) and making sure that nothing went horribly wrong. However, something did, in the form of a major change between revisions of the Apache web server, which had the net effect of making all of the config files obsolete and unusable. I discovered it last night while watching Leandra boot back up, but was too tired after work to do anything about it.

    It appears that service is restored to all of …


  6. So, it's been a rough and tumble weekend, to be sure....

    04 February 2007

    I'm going to write more in here than in my old memory logs to ease the transition between formats. I figure that I'll cut over to this system on Monday as the grand opening, because last night I uploaded the last images from my photo album and turned them into galleries using a utility from the Gentoo portage collection called mkgallery. At some point I'll get around to turning the commentary from the old index.html files into comments for the galleries. For now, this will suffice.

    Anyway, where was I....? On Friday night, Lyssa and I stuck as close …


  7. Archive: 20070108

    31 January 2007

    Note to self: All the walking in DC is making me go through tennis socks faster than I can replace them. I've blown through six socks in three days because they've ripped through without warning walk walking down the street. This is a little annoying because I feel like a slob. It's 2007, so the time for upgrading is probably upon most of us. To wit, here's something that should leave just about everyone drooling in anticipation: This Thursday upcoming, Hitachi will put their one terabyte hard drives on the consumer market with an opening price of $399us. The drives …


  8. Random knowledge X.

    25 January 2007

    How to set up a crossover ethernet connection between two Sun Solaris machines:

    • Connect both machines using a crossover ethernet cable.

    • root@solaris-machine-1# ifconfig plumb

    • root@solaris-machine-1# ifconfig netmask

    • root@solaris-machine-1# ifconfig up

    • On each machine, ping the other. If both are reported as being alive, you're golden.

    It would look something like this on a live setup:

    root@igg# ifconfig ce1 plumb

    root@ook# ifconfig ce1 plumb

    root@igg# ifconfig ce1 netmask

    root@ook# ifconfig ce1 netmask

    root@igg# ifconfig ce1 up

    root …


  9. Random knowledge IV.

    25 January 2007

    Just because it's usually the one-half teaspoon that falls off the holder and it's usually the one-half teaspoon that fell off the holder that you grabbed out of the drawer doesnt't mean that it's the one-half teaspoon that you really grabbed. Always look before you use measuring implements.

    When a recipe says to use eggs, use real eggs. Four times out of five, Egg Beaters just won't cut it.

    When creaming butter and sugar together (probably butter and anything, I havn't tried yet) it doesn't hurt if you melt the butter in a skillet or frying pan first. If anything …


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