Tag: fun

  1. Giving datalove in HTML.

    03 July 2011

    Sharp-eyed readers may have noticed that I've been playing around with the theme for my website in subtle ways (mostly so that, if I do screw something up it won't hose my entire site). This is partially due to the fact that I simply can't leave well enough alone if I can help it, and partially due to the fact that I've been forced to learn HTML by Project Byzantium. But, that's neither here nor there. A few months back, some of the agents over at Telecomix put together a side project called the Summer of Datalove to promote the …


  2. A few pics from the Scott Sigler book signing, 24 June 2010.

    03 July 2010

    If you've not heard of podcaster and novelist Scott Sigler he's one of the luminaries of the new media movement. Before becoming a novelist who's taken the New York Times booklist by storm he recorded his novels as audiobooks and gave them away for free on iTunes, podiobooks.com and his own website, the idea being that if you liked them you'd send some money his way and possibly buy the novels when they made it onto dead trees. Lo and behold it worked and now he's on tour for the hardcover release of Ancestor, his latest novel.

    I haven't …


  3. L: Change the World

    29 April 2009

    On Sunday afternoon I wrote about scoring a couple of tickets to catch the final Death Note movie, entitled L: Change the World. Having enjoyed the first two movies greatly, I bought tickets online then and there. Our plans changed a little at the last minute this evening but Lyssa and I drove to the AMC Movie Theatre at Tyson's Corner Mall this evening and met up with Hasufin (albeit briefly). We ate a hasty dinner at the food court because we were running a little behind (say what you will, but the kebab place is well worth the cost …


  4. EDITED (20081101): Lyssa and I are now married.

    29 October 2008

    To preface what I'm about to write, I never thought that I would have missed so many details pertaining to what happened a few days ago. Shortly before the wedding, Lyssa gave me a piece of advice from her friend Michael: stop every few minutes to take a mental snapshot of what's going on around you, so that you'll have more to remember from your wedding. I didn't really do that until after the ceremony was over, and thus much of what happened was lost to the peculiar entropy that steals moments of our lives from us as we grow …


  5. This was potentially the geekieest bachelor's party in recorded history.

    20 October 2008

    I roused myself from bed far earlier than I'm accustomed to on Saturday morning, around 0800 EST5EDT or so, for what is traditionally the most memorable event prior to one's wedding.. the bachelor's party. While most of the groomsmen weren't able to attend on Saturday due to their lack of proximity (most of them live at least one state, and usually more than that away from the DC area), the festivities were well attended by close friends from nearby. Shortly before 0900 local time most everyone had assembled on the doorstep: Jason and Jarin arrived first, followed by Grant and …


  6. I'm stuck in Tuscaloosa three million years in the future, and where the smeg did I get this traffic cone??

    06 February 2008

    Well, not so much. I was hoping to riff off of a famous Red Dwarf quote or two to make this post more entertaining, but after a few revisions it's just not coming together the way I'd hoped, so I'll spare your delicate sensibilities and optics the horror and push on.

    As the title to this post suggests, I'm in the heart of Alabama on assignment. Granted, it's not too bad... the people down here are quite friendly, and the stereotypical southern hospitality isn't a stereotype, it's a way of life. People down here are so nice, polite, and helpful …


  7. EDITED: Concert report: Cesium-137, ThouShaltNot, and Information Society at the Trocadero in Philadelphia.

    06 January 2008

    (obligatory disclaimer: Many links reference my Amazon Associates account.)

    On Friday evening, our good friend Derek Pegritz drove down from Pennsylvania to visit Lyssa and I and stay with us for the weekend because we had another wacky and amazing adventure all lined up: A trip to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to see a concert at the Trocadero Center thrown by Dancing Ferret Productions. A veritable trifecta of awesome music would be played at this venerable Philly venue, Cesium-137, ThouShaltNot, and Information Society. This was to be a most unusual show in that it would be recorded for a future DVD release …


  8. The things people come up with these days...

    11 July 2007

    If you've been on the Net for a while, you've probably seen buttons or tags for Digg, which is a community-based news management and relay website. The idea is that news articles are submitted by users, and everyone else on the site votes on how interesting, relevant, or helpful the articles are. Articles deemed popular through this method rise to the top (theoretically) while unhelpful articles sink to the bottom and are lost (again, theoretically).

    Somebody developed a Tetris-like game seeded from Digg's RSS feed. For every article submitted, a game piece enters play. It moves pretty fast, and is …