Tag: death note

  1. L: Change the World

    29 April 2009

    On Sunday afternoon I wrote about scoring a couple of tickets to catch the final Death Note movie, entitled L: Change the World. Having enjoyed the first two movies greatly, I bought tickets online then and there. Our plans changed a little at the last minute this evening but Lyssa and I drove to the AMC Movie Theatre at Tyson's Corner Mall this evening and met up with Hasufin (albeit briefly). We ate a hasty dinner at the food court because we were running a little behind (say what you will, but the kebab place is well worth the cost …


  2. L: Change the World

    26 April 2009

    Last year I wrote about the theatrical release of the Death Note films in the United States for limited engagements. Much to my surprise, Viz Pictures is bringing the third movie in the series, entitled L: Change the World to the silver screen for two days only, the 29th and 30th of April. The evening of the 29th they'll be showing the subtitled version of the movie, and on the 30th they'll be showing the dubbed version of the movie (probably with most of the cast of Bleach providing the English voices). Showtime is at 1930 hours (7:30pm) local …


  3. The week, not just the weekend in review.

    27 May 2008

    A couple of weeks ago, one of the trailers that was shown before the movie Iron Man was for a theatrical showing of the live-action movie based upon a popular manga and anime series called Death Note. As Lyssa and I are both fans of the series (she of the manga, I of the live-action movies), we made it a priority to hit the one night only showing at Tyson's Corner AMC last week. Mika was kind enough to score tickets for us early (she had to, because they were almost sold out by the time we got into line …


  4. Wise words from the Three Stooges b0rked my weblog!

    06 March 2007

    It seems that my body's biochemistry is ever so slightly messed up due to the large amounts of analgesics and antibiotics I've been taking lately in preparation for the peculiarly mediaeval form of torture referred to today as root canal therapy, which feels like anything but therapy if you're on the recieving end for a couple of hours at the very least. It's been difficult to think clearly for the past couple of days, and I seem to have the short term memory of a goldfish. On top of all of that is a general feeling of malaise - much like …