What a day. I'm going back to bed as soon as I can.

27 March 2007

Because Bladeless Axe was in town for Shmoocon this weekend just past, we gave it our best shot to hang out while she was around here, which wound up in a couple of near misses culminating in Lyssa and I spending the evening hanging out with her last night until rather later than any of us had hoped. To the tune of finally going to bed at 0200 EST5EDT today because we went out for rather a late dinner...

I'm getting old. I can't get by on four hours of sleep anymore. My ass, and most of the rest of me, was dragging on the ground all day today. So much so that even coffee wasn't enough to get me anywhere within spitting distance of my game.

After dinner tonight I curled up for a nap with all of the windows open (high temperature in DC today: 81 degrees Fahrenheit) and slept for about three hours solid. I'm probably going to go back to bed soon after I finish writing this. And do the laundry. And pay a couple of bills. And and and...

Yeah, I need to go to bed.