Tag: webapps

  1. Technomancer tools: Managing and sharing bookmarks across multiple systems.

    07 May 2018

    If you have multiple systems (like I do), a problem you've undoubtedly run into is keeping your bookmarks in sync across every browser you use.  Of course, there are services that'll happily do this job on you behalf, but they're free, and we all know what free means.  If you're interested in being social with your link collection there are some social bookmarking services out there for consideration, including what's left of Delicious.  For many years I was a Delicious user (because I liked the idea of maintaining a public bookmark collection that could be useful to people), but Delicious …


  2. Ummmm....

    05 April 2007

    Google Maps is a wonderful thing.

    But seriously, Google's added some interesting features to their mapping webapp, namely, the ability to draw and customize your own personal maps, which can then be shared with others, if you so desire. There is now a selection tool which lets you define routes and points on the map, a tool that lets you put flags on land- or placemarks, and a utility that'll let you define shapes, a utility that I think has a lot of potential.