One year after the television show Doctor Who returned to the airwaves, a spin-off show aimed at adult viewers called Torchwood was created as a spin-off. Centered around the character of Captain Jack Harkness, Torchwood follows the adventures, foibles, and WTF moments of a black-ops outfit headquartered in Cardiff, Wales that takes it upon itself to investigate and minimize the impact of alien activities upon the Earth. There is a significant amount of crossover between the two fandoms, so it remains to be seen what they'll think of this...
After a surprisingly short period of time, I found out what happened to my car when it broke down a couple of days ago.
As it turned out, the thermostat which regulates the cooling system went bad. What happened was that the thermostat erroneously decided to start reading MAXTEMP (which would mean that the engine block was about to melt down); it dutifully sent these messages to the microprocessor controlling the engine. The CPU erroneously decided that the cooling system had fouled up in some unspecified manner and commanded the water pump to start feeding coolant to an overflow bottle …
Am I alone in thinking that wearing a shoulder holster designed for your techno-toys is a bad idea these days? Sure, it reduces your batman factor by redistributing the gear, but these days security guards (especially in office buildings) are much more aware of possible threats, including weapons. At a glance, one shoulder holster looks pretty much like another, and no matter what that bulge under your arm might be, a bulge under the arm is still suspect, and any police officer or security guard worth the name is going to check it out. At the very least, airport security …