Tag: recap

  1. Chris and boys' weekend out.

    21 April 2008

    Friday as a whole wound up being something of a comedy of errors - the first half of the day was supposed to be spent at the dentist's office having stage two of my emergency root canal performed (building up the plastic post, taking the cast for the permanant crown, and placing the temporary), but per usual things started going south. While out running an emergency errand on Friday morning I got a call from my boss - not only had I been re-assigned to another project at the last minute but there was apparantly a pressing need to show up at …


  2. No rest for the righteous or the wicked.

    05 April 2008

    Work was work this week, and that's the fairest thing that can be said about it. It wasn't glamourous, it wasn't fun, and it wasn't an adventure, but it wasn't horrible, either. It's long, tiring, and a case study in how badly screwed up things can be without actually self-destructing. Consequently, I haven't been sleeping a whole lot, nor have I had the time nor energy to post here.

    I have a cat in my lap that knows that I don't own a cat, and is ensuring that my good clothes (trousers, shirt, and waistcoat) will be covered with cat …


  3. A quick weekend recap.

    10 December 2007

    Saturday was Pretend To Be A Time Traveller Day. I spent most of it constructing a new firewall and the evening prepping for the party over at Scraun and Fishy's. Lyssa was kind enough to take a couple of pictures after we got home that night.

    Sunday: Recovering at Laurelinde's place with the family. I passed out on the couch sometime around 2200 EST5EDT.

    Monday: Sick as a dog. My body's immune system isn't handling the jet lag or running myself into the ground very well. They sent me home from work this afternoon so I could rest and hopefully …