I've been waiting to put together an article about Wikileaks and Cablegate (the gradual release of a quarter-million diplomatic cables written and archived by the United States diplomatic corps). Mostly, everyday life has prevented me from doing so: the holiday season is here once again and, all things being equal, work and cleaning up the apartment with Lyssa have taken priority. I also didn't want to vent my spleen on the Net without having a coherent idea of what I was going to say. Turing knows, enough of that is happening right now and I won't fall prey to it …
Every morning I pop open Google News in one of my browser tabs and mainline the top 100 stories to get a sense for what’s happening in the world and what general sort of day I’m in for. Last week the Associated Press announced that it would be modifying the content it makes available on the Net in such a way that they can (hypothetically) control how it can be read, where it can be read, and who can read it. They say they want to be able to monitor how the content they make available to everyone …
The Ferrett, who is an old friend of Lyssa and buddy of mine has made the announcement on his blog that his first published short story has hit Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine. If you look on page 22 of the latest issue you’ll find his short story, Camera Obscured waiting for you. Not long after I post this Lyssa and I will be off to Border’s to grab a copy off the magazine rack.
I'd like to post congratulations to J.C. Hutchins, the podcaster behind 7th Son. In this week's episode he announced that he'd been contacted by an agent about getting the 7th Son trilogy published. Not long after this, what J.C. described as 'a major science fiction publisher' contacted him through his agent about the manuscript for the first novel, Descent.