As you may or may not remember, late last year I presented via telepresence at the Nigeria ICT Fest, where I gave a talk about security threats to emerging financial entities. Following the conference I was invited to turn my presentation into an academic paper for an open-access, peer-reviewed journal called Postmodern Openings which is published on a biannual basis. Postmodern Openings seems to publish a little bit about everything, from the ethics of advertising to children to lessons learned from studying the economic systems of entire countries to the anthropological ins and outs of caring for children with chronic …
I don't ordinarily do this, but I think this is a special case.
During the time of Occupy and the Arab Spring, the hacktivist collective Telecomix was the boots on the ground, the eyes in the sky, and a bloom of jellyfish swimming to and fro in the endless oceans of the Net. Among the many jellyfish who banded together beneath Agent Cameron's banner was the talented hacker Tomate, who later went public with his real name - Stephan Urbach. When the Telecomix network came under an unprecedented (at the time, anyway) attack that we were never able to trace the …
Two of the most famous RPG magazines, Dungeon and Dragon (about Dungeons and Dragons, unsurprisingly) will cease publication in September because more and more gamers are turning to the Net for news and articles about gaming.
Subscribers with issues left in their subscriptions will have a couple of options to get their money's worth. First of all, they can opt for back issues on a one-for-one basis. They can also get refunds, credit at's online store, or convert to a subscription to Pathfinder, which is a monthly perfect bound magazine of adventures for OGL-compatible RPGs.