Tag: marlise

  1. My media - let me show you it!

    09 January 2008

    I've put a few more photo albums online from last year and this year:

    The wedding of Alexius and Marlise Pendragon - 15 December 2007 (slightly out of order due to the file naming conventions of the two cameras used).

    The Dresden Dolls - 27 December 2007, Washington, DC

    In case you missed them because they were buried at the end of a very long concert report, Information Society in concert - 5 January 2008, Philadelphia, PA

    Oh, and some long overdue updates to my .plan file (obDisclaimer: Possibly not safe for work.).

    I also finally debugged Pivot's URL rewriting scheme so …


  2. Congratulations, Alexius and Marlise!

    17 December 2007

    This weekend was a wacky adventure from start to finish - not only for Lyssa, Laurelinde, and myself, but it marked the beginning of a similar adventure for some good friends of mine, 'lex Pendragon and Marlise, who reside just north of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as well as their daughter Raven.

    On Friday afternoon the three of us loaded up the TARDIS and headed northward for Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, and points beyond to get ready for the wedding on Saturday. It didn't take us long at all to get loaded up (I've gotten quite skilled at throwing together clothes for a weekend junket …