Tag: life

  1. Richard Spencer, face punching, and violence.

    21 January 2017

    I shouldn't have to write this disclaimer, but here we go anyway: I am not one of these people and never will be.  I mirrored the documents in question because data has a way of disappearing from the Net when lawyers get involved, a phenomenon called HTTP Error 451 (Unavailable for legal reasons), and we're already seeing potentially damaging and damning information quietly going away.  So, if you're going to say that because I have a copy of a particular document on my website I support the author when I just said I didn't, please pull your head out of …


  2. A toast.

    03 January 2017

    Here's to the sysadmins, who fight to keep everything up and running.  And reboot printers along the way.

    Here's to tier-1 tech support, who know the answers but are only allowed to recite from their scripts.

    Here's to the pen testers, who keep plugging away.

    Here's to desktop support, who occasionally see things they can never unsee.

    Here's to the red team, who throw everything from Devo costumes to pork chops to ballroom gowns to the kitchen sink at the mission.

    Here's to the hacktivists, who toil endlessly to make the world a better place.

    Here's to the open source …


  3. Real life seems like Shadowrun - so why can't I throw fragging fireballs?!

    02 December 2016

    From time to time I sit down with my gaming buddies, and we both lament and observe how well reading and playing cyberpunk games has prepared us for life in the twenty-first century. I don't think that many people expected real life to track quite so closely with many a cyberpunk world penned by the masters, from William Gibson to Neal Stephenson to Bruce Sterling. Strangely enough, many of the lifestyle strategies depicted in these stories have helped keep our own lives (and those of our families) stable and, for the most part nice to live as human history has …


  4. Still here. Just offline.

    19 October 2016

    I'm still here - haven't forgotten this blog. In the rush to get a bunch of stuff done at work with some alacrity, I seem to have run myself into the ground. More specifically, I seem to be an alpha tester for this year's version of the flu and I've spent the past couple of days sweating, throwing up, and sleeping. There was also a late-night trip to the ER somewhere in there. Oh, and let's not forget the lucid fever dreams - they're quite entertaining when you have control over them. Somewhere in the Dreaming I made the aquaintenance of a …


  5. Taking a break for a while.

    16 August 2016

    As the title implies, I think I need to take a break from blogging for a while. Just a week ago I had plans to write up my notes from DefCon and then go into all of the neat stuff that happened, like pulling a Charlie Brown at the locksport contest (okay, that wasn't so neat but at least I can laugh about it after the fact), the InSoc concert, and all of that happy stuff.

    Unfortunately, I've just returned from the east coast. Mid-last week I got a phone call from my mother while walking to work and was …


  6. Back from DefCon.

    08 August 2016

    Back from DefCon. Don't know how I'm still on my feet right now. Went to lots of talks, went wandering more than is usual for me at DefCon, attended some incredible shows. Still smarting from how much even a lousy meal costs in Las Vegas. Had an incredibly lousy pair of plane flights to and from Vegas.

    And now, back to figuring out how to reacclimate with workaday life.


  7. Running hard to stay in place.

    16 July 2016

    Still here. Still going. Getting ready for HOPE XI and trying to get everything buttoned up and bolted down at work before flying to the other coast for same. That all hell appears to still be breaking loose all over the world isn't helping matters any; I'm certainly not sleeping all that well, consequently.

    Rehearsal of my talk for HOPE started today. I really suck right now and need to get this one banged out before I present. At least I've finally stopped writing and rewriting the slides and settled on the text.

    This appears to be the week that …


  8. Still alive.

    02 July 2016

    Nope. No GLaDOS references today.

    As you may or may not be aware, certain parts of the world have come under fire, literally. This has hit me very hard in some very tender places, and I'm not handling it well. Dealing with it has, to a large extent, required staying offline so I don't fry my forebrain.

    Work's running me pretty hard, with multiple late-nighters strung end to end.

    I'm working on my slides for HOPE in my spare time. I might even get to practice them soon. After that comes more proof-of-concept code that you (yes, you!) can try …


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