Tag: life

  1. Cleaning up and throwing out.

    14 August 2024

    I haven't been tinkering a lot lately. Not because I haven't wanted to (well, that's not quite true) but because I've had other stuff that I wanted to get out of the way. Basically, I couldn't stand the impacted shitpile that I call an office-cum-workshop in its current state anymore. Figuring out how much floor space I had a few weeks ago really got to me and I decided to do something about it. I've been spending a couple of hours every day (after work and over the weekends) going through one thing at a time (one stack of drawers …


  2. Catching up, I suppose.

    19 July 2024

    Somehow it's turned into one of those really busy months, where I've been working on stuff more than anything else. Thing is, most of it isn't really worth talking about; not yet, anyway. Lifestyle maintenance is like that. It's not glamorous, interesting, or even all that fun, but it still has to get done, if only for the sake of one's mental health.

    For starters, I've been trying to free up some room in my office (where I spend most of my days, if only because of my day job). Talking to someone a week or two ago about home …


  3. Mixed thoughts on July 4th.

    08 July 2024

    It's July 4th as I sit outside and write this post, after quite a few years of wondering if I should type this up. But, I figured, I'm not getting any younger and if I ever get around to writing my memoirs I'm going to put this in there, anyway, and there's no guarantee that I'll remember this if and when I ever do. So, here goes.

    Content warning: Gore. This is kind of the definition of trauma for a little kid so if you don't want to read about fireworks accidents you might want to close the tab and …


  4. Initiation into middle age: Colonoscopy

    20 June 2024

    For starters, let me just say that there is nothing wrong with me as I write this. I used the tag "cancer" up there because this post talks about cancer screening. Also, as I finish and polish this post up a few days later I found out that nothing unusual was found, "You're good, see you in ten years."

    Second, I'll try my best to not be gratuitous given the subject matter. Believe me, the prospect of writing about the far end of my gastrointestinal tract does not thrill me. I'll try to give the topic the gravitas it deserves …


  5. Getting my feet under me again.

    21 March 2024

    I'm still around and kicking, just taking it easy (or as easy as feasible right now). As I write this, we're well into March and I'm trying to be gentle with myself - not forcing writing if I can't string words together (which is annoying when ideas come in the shower), not really looking for anything specific to do, just letting things unfold for a while. I don't have any big projects lined up, nor am I looking for any (I do, actually, but it's going to be one of those "pick at it off and on for a while" kind …


  6. How did I make it this far?

    15 February 2024

    I find myself asking that question a lot these days.

    Another question I've been asking myself a lot is, what the hell am I going to write in this post? I've tried a few things in the days leading up to this (timed) post, and to be honest they all, upon rereading, sound like I'm some combination of coming apart at the seams, in dire need of a vacation in which I do not get sick, in need of therapy (which, to be fair, I am), and sleeping like I did in high school (which is to say, not sleeping …


  7. Flipping switches here and there.

    22 January 2024

    I guess I'm as back on my game as I'm likely to be for the forseeable future. I finished the run of paxlovid a couple of weeks back and things only recently stopped tasting like soap. I still get tired pretty quickly. It's not unusual for me to fall asleep around 2300 hours local time, give or take, but I wake up feeling fairly decent. My lungs are still pretty irritated, which has necessitated adding a hit of advair from an inhaler twice daily. Said advair was prescribed because I was using my rescue inhaler to get asthma attacks under …


  8. I guess my luck finally ran out.

    04 January 2024

    As I write this, it's just shy of the end of 2023.ev. I'm now up and around and functional enough actually think about writing. Not because of any New Year's festivities, unfortunately.

    If you guessed that I caught covid-19 in December, you'd be right.

    I went on travel for a week for work in December, which is probably when I was exposed. It might've been at work, it might've been at the hotel (where, during that week, two wedding receptions and four holiday parties were held), for all I know it might've been at the airport when the TSA …


  9. We're going on the end of 2023.

    22 December 2023

    Welp, we're going on the end of 2023.ev, and... I'm tired. So fucking tired.

    I've got some writing going on (and have for a few weeks) but it's not going as well as I had hoped. I've had to rewrite it a few times already.

    I was on travel for work for about a week. Between jet lag, wrapping up the year, and the inherent stress of flying coast to coast during the holidays, to say that it was anything but restful is putting it mildly.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is, all I've got left in …


  10. Is this what it's like?

    24 November 2023

    I don't have any good words right now. They're not eloquent or erudite. They're what has been running around in my head off and on for a few weeks. If you're expecting something that reads like a well polished and edited post, this probably isn't it.

    I've been quiet for a while. I'd like to say that I was too busy to post and I had some awesome stuff going on, but that wasn't the case. It's a bit over two years since my mom died. I think that her estate is pretty well wrapped up - the taxes are paid …


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