Tag: libby

  1. Political commentary brain kickstart go!

    03 July 2007

    I haven't been following the Scooter Libby case for a couple of weeks because everything else has been keeping me busy, but I did find out in passing that he was found guilty of perjury and sentenced to two and one-half years in federal prison and a fine of one-quarter of a million US dollars because he lied on the stand about the outing of Valerie Plame as a CIA operative. Then something interesting happened: George W. Bush commuted the imprisonment portion of Libby's sentence, leaving him only with the fine to deal with. Given his position inside the beltway …


  2. Scooter Libby found guilty of perjury.

    07 March 2007

    Yesterday afternoon I. Lewis 'Scooter' Libby, Dick Cheney's former Chief of Staff was found guilty of four out of five counts of perjury while testifying before a grand jury. On the fifth count (lying to the FBI) he was found not guilty by the jury. What it boils down to is this: Rather than admit that he found out the name of Valerie Wilson (the CIA operative whom Libby outed to the media, thus destroying her usefulness), he lied and said that Tim Russert of NBC News told him who she was. He told this story to a number of …


  3. The Scooter Libby trial is still going on.

    07 February 2007

    More interesting information has come to light due to the I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby trial, going on right now in DC. It was one thing for an ambassador to find out that the tales spun into the news were fabricated but the White House was having daily meetings to plan how best to discredit the damning information. It seems that Dick Cheney didn't take well to their misinformation tactics going down in flames.


  4. The Scooter Libby case is disproving the maxim that whatever hits the fan will not be evenly distributed.

    30 January 2007

    It's come out on the stand that Ari Fleischer, former White House Press Secretary was the one who leaked Valerie Plame's identity to Scooter Libby. He admitted this under oath, but of course he cut a deal so he won't be punished for revealing classified information. The whole thing comes down to Plame's husband, former ambassador Joseph Wilson, who got into hot water for researching and writing a report that debunked the party line that Iraq was trying to buy weapons grade Uranium from the country of Niger. Fleischer related to David Gregory (NBC) and John Dickerson (Time Magazine) that …


  5. You have to hand it to him, he's fighting tooth and claw..

    26 January 2007

    He might be the fall guy, but Scooter Libby's not going down without a fight as testimony on the stand from witnesses lays out the damage and spin control operations the White House activated when allegations of WMDs in Iraq were proven false. Catherine Martin took the stand yesterday, and started laying out who was holding which puppet strings and who tugged on them when. It's amazing what one can do to make everone forget about being made to look like fools on national television..