Tag: gop

  1. Heart disease isn't the number one killer in the United States. It's WTF.

    22 June 2010

    You know, one of these days Lyssa is going to walk into my office and find me stone dead, keeled over my laptop clutching my chest, possibly with blood streaming from my nose and mouth and steam spraying wildly from my ears.

    The Republican Party of the state of Texas has just published its official party platform for the year 2010 and they're going out of their way to make certain people feel welcome. It starts off pretty normally for them, about traditional marriage being founded upon one man and one woman, nevermind history saying something completely different (though that …


  2. White House staff ordered to follow national archival law.

    16 November 2007

    The Bush regime has been notorious from the beginning for violating a basic federal law, the Presidential Records Act of 1978 (44 USC 2201-2207), which states that all presidential correspondence and communications must be permanently archived. Bush is interesting in that he is the first president to outright ignore e-mail from his constituents, which caused a minor scandal until American Idol hit the airwaves back in the early years of this decade. At any rate, this matter keeps popping up like a bad penny, most notably White House staff members using GOP e-mail servers to avoid the archival of their …