Someone out there apparently takes a dim view of the US Federal Trade Commission going after spammers (when it gets around to it) because they're sending spam forged from the FTC with malware attached. The spam takes the form of a complaint against the recipient, and asks them to open a document attached to the message. It's actually a keystroke logger that, when installed, records everything the user types from then on and sends it off periodically to someplace on the net. Understandably, they're not pleased with this stunt, and they're asking usres to forward copies of the e-mail (malware …
Last night Lyssa, Orthaevelve, and I decided to go out to dinner to celebrate things looking up at work these days after work. It was something of a snap decision, you see - I got a call from my boss while I was at the Metro station headed for home, and immediately told Lyssa as soon as she arrived. After going to the doctor's office so that she could get her weekly allergy inoculation, we called up Orthaevelve and asked about the wherabouts of any good Chinese restaurants in the area. Much to our surprise, there …