A couple of weeks back I wrote about migrating Windbringer to a new laptop, but something I didn't go into a lot of detail about was migrating the encrypted volumes over. There were a few reasons for this, chief among them that I didn't want to put more information than I already had in that post for the sake of organization. Web search is a clusterfuck these days and I wanted to make potentially helpful information as easy to track down as possible. Anyway.
Surprising nobody who's known me for longer than an hour, the hard drives in all of …
If you're involved in the retrocomputing or PC history scenes, chances are you've heard of double-sided floppy disks that are formatted for one system on side A and another system on side B. For example, I've got a copy of the game Ninja which had the C-64 version of the game on one side and the Atari port on the other. At the time this was a pretty straightforward thing to do because drives only read one side of a disk at a time. A couple of weeks back, PC historian Trixter came across a highly unusual 5 1/4 …