She woke me up around 0600 EST5EDT this morning complaining about the pain in her ankle. After we took our turns in the shower (and let me tell you, trying to maneuver in an apartment-sized bathroom on crutches is no walk in the park) I re-did the splint on her leg and helped her get dressed. Somehow she managed to get an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon shortly after 0900 EST5EDT today (she always was the social engineer of the family), and a consultation confirmed our fears: her achilles tendon is …
A couple of weeks ago, Lyssa and I bought a couple of tickets to see the Australian Pink Floyd Show, a world-renowned Pink Floyd cover band that is widely considered to be the closest you can come without actually seeing PF live. Unfortunately, Laurelinde had to back out at the last minute due to a scheduling conflict, so Kash drove down from the vicinity of Baltimore to join us tonight. I got home from work a little later than usual so after changing clothes and filling out my daily timesheet the three of us hit the local deli for a …