Tag: fairfax

  1. Restaurant review: Jaipur

    12 August 2008

    One of the reasons that I haven't been updating much lately is because I've been doing a lot of running around after I get home from work, usually to take care of errands. Every once in a while, though, Lyssa and I make the time to spend with some friends whom we don't get to see during the week. On Saturday night, for example, we gathered up everyone we could after Mad Scientist Coffee and headed out to Jaipur Royal Indian Cuisine (9401 Lee Highway; Unit 105 (at the Circle Towers); Fairfax, VA; 22031; phone 703-766-1111; fax 703-766-1113) for a …


  2. Storms ravage NOVA: power loss and major property damage

    05 June 2008

    It's probably hit your local news by now, but I'll push on with this article, anyway. A series of violent thunderstorms ripped through northern Virginia yesterday afternoon and went on well into the night, wrseaking havoc as they went. Lyssa tells me that the power went out in our neighborhood around 1500 EST5EDT yesterday, around the time that she and Jason were on their way to the optomitrist's office to get her eyes checked. They tell me that it took them better than an hour to make a three hour drive from route 7 to our road. For my part …