Tag: curation

  1. Maybe we should start over.

    28 December 2023

    There is a conspiracy theory online called the Dead Internet Theory. So the story goes, some years ago people - actual, organic people sitting at keyboards or holding phones - stopped posting anything, anywhere online. Depending on who you talk to (and this includes credentialed folks who study various aspects of the Net, not just denizens of image boards or random users on forums), the proliferation of spambots, botnets, folks who use bots to age Twitter accounts to sell (link anonymized) for various purposes (like astroturfing) and SEO shenanagains effectively pushed organics out through sheer numbers. One person can use custom software …


  2. Sometimes the old ways may be best.

    04 February 2019

    A couple of weeks back, I found myself in a discussion with a couple of friends about searching on the Internet and how easy it is to get caught up in a filter bubble and not realize it.  To put not too fine a point on it, because the big search engines (Google, Bing, and so forth) profile users individually and tailor search results to analyses of their search histories (and other personal data they have access to), it's very easy to forget that there are other things out there that you don't know about for the simple reason that …