Tag: connectivity

  1. This weekend: DC Discotech!

    04 November 2011

    DISTRIBUTION: Washington, DC and surrounding areas. If you're outside of this area please boost the signal!

    This weekend in Washington, DC as part of Digital Capital Week Broadband Bridge will be holding a Discovering Technology fair so that people active in the local community can exchange ideas, find out what has to be done, show off what they're working on, and build something great for the DC metroplex. The DiscoTech is a free event which starts at 12:00pm on Saturday, 5 November 2011 and will run until 5:00pm at Bread For the City (1525 7th Street NW, Washington …


  2. "Don't bury me! I'm not dead!" (take two)

    22 November 2008

    For unknown reasons, I just lost the previous draft of this post, and so have had to start over. That includes a number of edits that made the text more coherent to read. Please bear wth me.

    The reason I haven't been writing much lately is because what little time I have that isn't taken up by work has been spent running hither and yon, having what are popularly termed 'wacky adventures'. Things haven't slowed down much for Lyssa and I since we got married; in fact it's rare that we have an evening at home to ourselves that isn't …