The DC metroplex is the only place I've seen to date in which the following sequence of events can occur within sixty seconds:
A woman with a handicapped parking tag in the rear window of her Volkswagon Beetle (new school) pulls into a handicapped parking space outside of a small deli.
A young man driving a Corvette slams to a halt directly behind the Volkswagon approximately four seconds after the woman shuts her engine off.
The young man in the Corvette (sans handicapped tag or license plate) begins to hammer on his horn with the vigor of a bandolier of …
It seems that my body's biochemistry is ever so slightly messed up due to the large amounts of analgesics and antibiotics I've been taking lately in preparation for the peculiarly mediaeval form of torture referred to today as root canal therapy, which feels like anything but therapy if you're on the recieving end for a couple of hours at the very least. It's been difficult to think clearly for the past couple of days, and I seem to have the short term memory of a goldfish. On top of all of that is a general feeling of malaise - much like …