Tag: birchmere

  1. Paul and Storm bring the Squid to Birchmere.

    13 March 2010

    Earlier this week while the usual suspects were at the Birchmere for Henry Rollins, I noticed that a couple of musicians that I wanted to hear, namely, Jonathan Coulton with Paul and Storm would be playing later this week. Unfortunately, inquiring at the theatre I found out that the show had been sold out for some time, but that I might have gotten lucky if someone would be selling their tickets. It was Lyssa and Mika who heard on the Net that someone locally was selling off his tickets to the show, and Mika jumped at the opportunity to pick …


  2. Last night: Henry Rollins at the Birchmere.

    10 March 2010

    I don't remember exactly who it was that got me into Henry Rollins' spoken word stuff. It might have been Mika, who gave me a two disc set for a long drive a couple of years ago. It might have been Lyssa, who tends to follow literature of all kinds. It might have been a couple of episodes of his television show on IFC that I caught online once. Hell, for all I know I've had those CDs since undergrad and I completely forgot about them. It's happened before. What I do know is that when Mika told us that …