20221229: UPDATE: Added what to do when you change your Backblaze application key.
20201023: UPDATE: Added command to clean the local backup cache.
20200426: UPDATE: Fixed the "pruned oldest snapshots" command.
A couple of years back I did a how-to about using a data backup utility called Duplicity to make offsite backups of Leandra to Backblaze B2. (referer link) It worked just fine; it was stable, it was easy to script, you knew what it was doing. But over time it started to show its warts, as everything does. For starters, it was unusually slow when compared to the implementation …
UPDATE: 20191229 - Added how to rotate out the oldest backups.
As frequent readers may or may not remember, I rebuilt my primary server last year, and in the process set up a fairly hefty RAID-5 array (24 terabytes) to store data. As one might reasonably expect, backing all of that stuff up is fairly difficult. I'd need to buy enough external hard drives to fit a copy of everything on there, plus extra space to store [incremental backups]((https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incremental_backup) for some length of time. Another problem is that both Leandra and the backup drives would …