1. 2006 is running out...

    05 February 2007

    Wow.. are there only three days left in 2006?? It feels like time's been flying by faster than even the most sensitive of clocks can account for.

    Lyssa and I have been back in DC for about two days now, and it's been a hell of a vacation thus far. On the 26th, while we were still in Pennsylvania, Lyssa spent some time at home with a friend of hers while I trekked back to Pittsburgh to see my family some more, and catch up with some close friends thereof who have gone above and beyond the call of duty …


  2. Back from Pennsylvania and playing with my toys.

    05 February 2007

    The down-low on Hussein's execution.

    My new USB audio recorder rocks all known sheep. I'm currently recording the third tape of.. who knows.. and the damage done to the tapes from listening to them so much over the years aside, the recordings are very clear and clean.

    Well, there are slightly more than twenty-four hours left in the year 2006 of the common era, and I am still figuring out what in the hell happened to my vacation. No, seriously. I'm not complaining about not getting a vacation or anything like that, I'm really wondering what happened to it. At …


  3. Nakamatsu Yoshiro's patents.

    05 February 2007

    EDIT: Google link fixed! Chris, one of my readers, was kind enough to fire over to me a link to Nakamatsu Yoshiro's portfolio of patents, courtesy of Google. There is some fairly mundane stuff in here, like a couple of patents related to golf clubs, a device for increasing the activity of the human brain, and some just plain nifty stuff. I get the feeling that this is only a partial list, because he's reputed to have a couple of thousand under his belt.


  4. Nakamatsu Yoshiro - inspiration for the Sons of Ether?

    05 February 2007

    If this guy has even half the brains on the ball as the article says he does, he's a force to be reckoned with. I write of one Nakamatsu Yoshiro, profiled at Brainsturbator (note: relatively safe for work, despite the domain name). He's got over three thousand international patents to his name and is shooting to die at the age of 144, hopefully after he hits his goal of six thousand inventions. Just about everything he does is geared at overclocking his wetware and keeping his mind creative and flexible. He somehow manages to get by on just four hours …


  5. Winter's finally come to DC...

    05 February 2007

    The rude awakening came this morning as Lyssa and I checked the weather report for the DC area before getting ready for work - 13 degrees Fahrenheit (-4 if you count the wind chill factor), with a projected low of five degrees Fahrenheit (with an unspecified wind chill factor). I opted for my parka and ski gloves this morning over my usual trenchcoat and Tom Baker scarf and duster. On the whole, I opted for dynafill and a few extra layers of trapped, warm air over fashion.

    It's the kind of morning in which the shockwave of air coming off the …


  6. So, it's been a rough and tumble weekend, to be sure....

    04 February 2007

    I'm going to write more in here than in my old memory logs to ease the transition between formats. I figure that I'll cut over to this system on Monday as the grand opening, because last night I uploaded the last images from my photo album and turned them into galleries using a utility from the Gentoo portage collection called mkgallery. At some point I'll get around to turning the commentary from the old index.html files into comments for the galleries. For now, this will suffice.

    Anyway, where was I....? On Friday night, Lyssa and I stuck as close …


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