We're going on the end of 2023.

22 December 2023

Welp, we're going on the end of 2023.ev, and... I'm tired. So fucking tired.

I've got some writing going on (and have for a few weeks) but it's not going as well as I had hoped. I've had to rewrite it a few times already.

I was on travel for work for about a week. Between jet lag, wrapping up the year, and the inherent stress of flying coast to coast during the holidays, to say that it was anything but restful is putting it mildly.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, all I've got left in me is a .plan file update for the end of the year. The compute cycles I have left I'm putting toward enjoying the holidays. Sorry, everybody, I'm completely out of wit, wisdom, and anything substantial to say. Maybe I'll put up a photo album or two.

Anyway, here's my .plan file. The usual warnings apply.

Since migrating to a new hosting provider I've had to add a .txt file extension so that it will display properly. Please update your bookmarks appropriately.

Happy holidays, everybody. Whichever ones you do or don't celebrate.