Busy times.
I haven't been writing much about what's been going on in my life lately because there's been so much of it. Working out wedding plans, picking out tuxedos, trips to the HacDC loft to work on stuff, hanging out with Zapheus from Brass Goggles, shopping, keeping the apartment picked up.. I haven't had time to write about things like that. Most of the posts I've been putting up lately I actually wrote offline over a period of days in a catch-as-catch-can manner and then cut and pasted them into entries.
I haven't forgotten anyone, and I'll get posts up as soon as I can.
Wedding invitations were mailed out this morning.
By the way.. when did Radio Shack start carrying infra-red LEDs, infra-red sensors, and high-intensity ultraviolet LEDs?
For those of you trying to comment lately but not seeing comments appear, I noticed in Leandra's server logs that some of you don't seem to have Javascript in your web browsers turned on, which causes hashcash to fail, and some of you have been using words that the (seemingly overzealous) spamword blocker has been picking up on. I've removed the words in question from the blocklist, which should fix things. Sorry about that.
Next up: installing mod_gnutls on Leandra so that I can use SSL v3/TLS v1 on the web server to encrypt traffic for all of the websites hosted, not just the frontpage which doesn't have much on it.
Oh, by the way... Saloncon is the weekend of 13 September 2008. Abney Park will be headlining Saturday evening. I'll be the DJ at the dance immediately following, so bring your dancing shoes.