We got hackers on a motherlovin' plane!

12 May 2007

The guys over at the Hacker Foundation have put together a jaunt for globetrotting hackers that will be hard to pass up, a project that they're calling Hackers On A Plane. Through much wheeling and dealing, they've cut deals with the organizers of Defcon in Las Vegas and the Chaos Computer Camp in Germany, and they've made it possible to attend both. Here's how:

For $1,337us (or €1,337eur), you can attend Defcon in Vegas (though you'll have to pay for your own food and sleeping space), fly from Vegas to Frankfurt, Germany, catch a charter flight to the Finow Airport, attend the entire Chaos Computer Camp (with crash space reserved for you at Camp Anaconda), and then fly back to one of a number of airports in the US (alternatively, if you're already a citizen of the European Union, your flight to Las Vegas from the EU for Defcon will be covered by this deal instead).

Nick talked about this a bit at LayerOne but I hadn't heard anything about it until today.

I wish I could attend this; I'd love to go to Defcon this year but I'm not sure that I'll be able to make it, what with work and all.